about | artist statement | career | contact


1992: Born; Surrey, UK

2016: Graduated University of Brighton; First Class Bachelor of Arts (Hons)

2018: Director; Art Basket Ltd.

2021: Signed; Bell Lomax Moreton

2022: Signed; Buckingham Fine Art

2022: Producer/co-host; ‘Unquestionable Podcast

2025: Signed; Peters Fraser + Dunlop


2023 winner: Pollyanna Pickering Endangered Species Award

2021 winner: Leisure Painter People’s Choice Award

2021 winner: Artists for Conservation Award of Excellence

2021 runner-up: BBC Wildlife Magazine People’s Choice Award

2021 finalist: Sketch for Survival International

2021 finalist: DSWF Wildlife Artist of the Year (highly commended)

2020 winner: Leisure Painter People’s Choice Award

2020 finalist: Sketch for Survival International

2020 finalist: VAO International Emerging Artist (highly commended)

2019 finalist: Ashurst Emerging Artist Prize

2018 finalist: VAO International Emerging Artist (highly commended)


2024: ‘On the Brink’, Houses of Parliament, London, UK

2024: AFC Exhibit Tour, Arizona, USA

2023: Artists for Conservation Exhibit, Vancouver, Canada

2022: Solo Exhibition: IMPERMANENCE, London, UK

2022: Saatchi Art Fair, London, UK

2021: Celebrating Wildlife; Supporting Conservation, Brighton, UK

2021: COP26 United Nations Climate Change Conference, Glasgow

2021: Explorers Against Extinction, London Gallery@Oxo (finalist)

2021: Artists for Conservation, Virtual Exhibition (award of excellence)

2021: DSWF Wildlife Artist of the Year, Virtual Exhibition (finalist)

2020: Sketch for Survival, Virtual Exhibition (winner, People’s Choice)

2019: Solo Exhibition, Boulder Park, Colorado, USA

2019: Group Exhibition, Denver, Colorado, USA

2019: ‘The Hunted’ Solo Exhibition, Lewes, UK

2019: Artists Open Houses, Group Exhibition, Brighton, UK

2019: Association of Animal Artists Autumn Exhibition, Yorkshire, UK

2018: Art Basket Solo Exhibition, Eastbourne, East Sussex, UK

2018: Animal Artists Collective, Group Exhibition, London, UK

2016: Group Exhibition, Guildford, UK


2024: ITV News

2024: BBC London; The Gaby Roslin Show

2024: CanvasRebel Magazine; Daily Inspiration: Meet Sophie Green

2024: BOLD;Meet Sophie Green

2023: Creative Boom; Sophie Green on Self-Doubt, Battling Procrastination and Growing as a Creative.

2023: Artists & Illustrators; Sophie Green

2023: Good Housekeeping; ‘Drawn to Nature’

2023: Great British Life; 'I'm wild about saving animals with my art'

2022: National Geographic; ‘This artist’s animal paintings bridge a gap between photography and reality’

2022: CNN; ‘This artist paints hyperrealistic wildlife images’

2022: BBC Women’s Hour; ‘Artist and conservationist Sophie Green’

2022: BBC Sussex Radio

2022: ITV News; ‘The former school teacher from Sussex whose artwork made it to last year's Cop 26’

2022: Financial Times; ‘How to Give it’

2021: My Modern Met; ‘Artist Promotes Wildlife Conservation With Her Awe-Inspiring Animal Paintings’

2021: Blank Podcast